about me

Hello there. I'm Tim, a professional voiceover, radio producer, graphic designer and video animator based in South London.

I'm passionate about audio, video and great design and utilise my skills & experience in these areas to create effective, memorable and engaging communications.

I'm a UK media professional who creates online platforms to help give communities and individuals a voice and build confidence in radio and broadcasting.

I am internet radio specialist and founded the online stations 1Radio and Croydon Radio and the music discovery site WeLoveNewMusic.

I develop tools that help radio stations create online communities for their audiences and enable independent musicians to promote their work. I love to collaborate with others to help communicate their objectives and build innovative online projects.

I'm also an accomplished radio presenter and producer who creates compelling audio that weaves together effects, music and narration to tell immersive and engaging stories.

Contact me if you'd like to explore working together.

Tim Longhurst,
Vakart Limited
Croydon, July 2024